Company, Index and Sector Data

Company Profiles

View in-depth profiles of companies, consisting of contact information, field of activity, board of directors, local sector and peers.

Benefit from the historical company financials, research and estimates, corporate actions, news, and more.

Unrivaled local coverage of company news

Conduct date, security, sector and word based searches within the news.

Moreover, set alerts to stay updated with the company news.

Directly position the News on the price chart and quickly examine their effects on the price.

Historical Index Constituents

Examine historical details of all indices, sectors, even watch-lists you have defined.

Access to information such as the total market value of shares within the scope of an index or sector or your watch-lists, free float-weighted market value, volume and the minimum, maximum, sum and the average values of these data between two dates.

Sector Constituents

Review local sector definitions and constituents in the markets you are interested in.

Quickly perform comparables analytics by the help of pre-defined peer groups.

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